September 26, 2021
Lancaster has some terrific wineries and tasting rooms and we are happy to help you find them all. Here’s a list to help you explore the Wineries in Lancaster County while also tasting some fantastic wines. To book with us head to All of these wineries in Lancaster County
August 24, 2021
Touring through the eyes of the innkeeper. Denise, the ultimate lover of ice cream, interjects this love into our personal travel planning. (think the 99 all across Ireland, Patagonia Chocolates – Ice Creamery & Chocolaterie in Queenstown NZ). So here are a couple of our personal favs while you visit Lancaster
September 6, 2020
We always ask our guests about their food preferences including “no-no’s” and allergies and then try to accommodate. Recently a guest told us that they are wrestling with celiac so we served up our Sweet Potato Quiche and it was a hit with everyone at the table! Here’s the recipe
May 16, 2020
It says “Spring” in the calendar but we aren’t experiencing a normal Spring no way / no how! The weather has teased us enough that we are getting blooming all throughout from the daffodils in the front to the azaleas and trees throughout. The clematis is ablaze and the grass